Monday, February 27, 2012


The story of the Krait is a remarkable tale of courage and heroism by Australian commandos during WWII. The boat they used, the Krait, is named for the most poisonous of reptiles in SE Asia and India.

This is a krait.

Earlier tonight as I was researching a problem with a new Leica when what should come wriggling across the floor towards my dainty naked pinkies but a krait. I rescued the cat from certain death and ushered the cute little killer out the door.

Here is a picture.

Actually, this one's not a krait, it's a bandy-bandy. Harmless. Has a very specific diet. Eats blind snakes. I'm rather pleased to learn that I don't have effin kraits to deal with along with all the other beasties which seem to constantly invade - spiders, toads, possums, pythons, bush turkeys...

Earlier today a young magpie came in to investigate and had an adventure evading the increasingly interested cat, flying into windows and screen doors. I caught the magpie and fed it some of the cats food on the verandah, and it was shortly thereafter dogfighting its mates around the garden.

Another snake story I may have mentioned on this blog involves copperheads. My knowledgeable neighbour Bob has dealt with hundreds of snakes in his time as a cane-cutter and banana farmer, and informed me that the copperheads I'd found in the house (four of them now) were "not that bad". Turns out Australia has 9 out of 10 of the world's most deadly snakes. The copperhead is last on the list. Not that bad!

(Pics above not mine - one is from not sure about the other - apologies to owner)

Punch and Judy Show - looks independent, doesn't it. Lots of writers from different backgrounds. Even a couple of token lefties for balance.

Think again.

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Lord Monckton, Fox and Free Market Thinking

This is a link to a video Lord Christopher Monckton speaking with Rafe Champion at the Mannkal board room in July 2011 on how to swing the public over to the "right" way of thinking about climate change...

Feb 18th 2012
This video can be a bit elusive ... can't imagine why.
Currently avail at
Also try this search:

Or google "monckton Mannkal video"

Also on this subject, this page at ABC's The Drum is well worth a read...

At one point during the tour, Monckton told a boisterous partisan crowd:

"So to the bogus scientists who have produced the bogus science that invented this bogus scare I say, we are coming after you. We are going to prosecute you, and we are going to lock you up."

Friday, February 3, 2012

Murdoch Press Muddy Waters

This article on what The Australian has to say on climate change is both enlightening and frightening. It seems unlikely that Murdoch's minions say this sort of thing because they believe it - they're far too intelligent to take the noisiest of the denialist loons seriously. So why? Money, most likely - they're being paid to lie, and they really don't give a damn that their children and great grand children will suffer greatly for those bags of silver.

"In the discussion of climate change, the future of the Earth and of humanity are at stake. As we shall see, what The Australian has contributed on climate change under editor Chris Mitchell's watch is a frightful hotchpotch of ideological prejudice and intellectual muddle."

Read more: